Weekly Majaalis 5 years ago • Thursday Majlis 17-06-21 | Ikhlaas and Niyyah • Ieman and Bai’at – An effective way to look after ones Ieman and increase ones Ieman • Inculcating leadership qualities through the Sunnah of the Prophets • The Barakah of ‘Good Deeds’ will relieve us from the difficulties and challenges of life • Political mistakes could lead to serious implications • Engaging in dialogue assists in making Islaah • Mutual Interaction on Social Media – A New Form of Gangsterism Zikr Majlis 11.04.19 Zikr Majlis 14.03.19 Zikr Majlis 28.03.19 Zikr Majlis 02-21-19 Zikr Majlis 01.11.18 Zikr Majlis 25.10.18 Zikr Majlis 18.10.18 Zikr Majlis 11.10.18 Attach yourself to Allah 30.08.2018 Zikr Majlis 29.05.2014 Zikr Majlis 22.05.2014 Zikr Majlis Zikr Majlis 26.06.2014 Dont Make Friends With Allahs Enemies 2 Dont Make Friends With Allah Enemies 1 Do Not Cause Takleef_5.06.2014 Discipline 9.04.2015 Demise_of_Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam_20-04-2017 Death|Its_Sweet_Reality_7-04-2016 Compliment_One_Another_7.05.2015 Assist_The_Deen_of_Allah Always_Ponder_Over_Your_Shortcomings._13.10.2016 Ponder And Reflect_upon The_Creations Of Allah_22.08.2013 Allah Created Man_In Perfect Form_27.02.01 3 Advices_From_Abdullah_Bin_Rawwaaha RA_29.08.13 3_Lessons_From_The_Hadeeth_22.05.2014 3_Advices_From_Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam_29.05.2014 Battle_of_Tabook_Part_2._03-11-2016 Family_Relationship_28.08.2014 Following_The_Sunnah_of_Nabi_Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam_3.09.2015 Follow_The_Advice_Of_Ahlul_Ilm Kindness_and_Truthfulness_18.09.2014 Haudh_Al_Kawthar_17.09.2015